Fairy house in the forestBath house in the village of ArzhanikiWinter house with a bath house and household buildingHouse in LosevoHouse on the VolgaMANORFairy houseHouse made of glued beams. «Lake Mednoe –2»House on the lake MednoeCottage «A.V.D.» on the lake NarochHunting house near MinskCountry house in the village «Solnechny bereg»Sales office for apartment complex «Grinada»Modest German HouseThe project of a country house «Romanciya»The house in CHALET styleRELAX-HOUSEBathhouse «Russian Australia»
«Architectural project» nomination
Chalet à la russeHouse «Opus-1» Principality of LukomorskoeBridge houseBath house in the village of NovinkiHouse in the village of NosovoLight houseRiver in the house«Mountain shelter» at the foot of Khamar-DabanResidential house «Piligrim»Residential house «TETRA»The project of the individual house in the housing communityHouse on the hillNeman house for artistHouse made of glued beams «FREEDOM»House in the pondAltay houseCountry house on Post&Beam technologyHouse made of glued beams MATRIXThe project of a country house «OzerVeyn»Residential complex of the universal environmentInspirationModernHouse on the Sirenevyy BoulevardHouse with bath housePROJECT OF THE HOUSE WITH THE WORKSHOPWooden house from glued beam in PermGrandAlpyPremera
«Student Project» nomination
Two-storey house with terraceCottage «101 kilometer»ECOHOUSECottage «Kira»EXCELLENCECottage «GOA»